Mark Hurd

  • 网络马克·赫德;马克赫德
Mark HurdMark Hurd
  1. Mark Hurd got credit for building Hewlett-Packard into the world 's largest technology company .


  2. HP CEO Mark Hurd 's Soft Management


  3. Mark Hurd , a cost cutting chief executive hired in 2005 , lifted revenue and profits .


  4. H-P is paying Mark Hurd twelve million dollars millions more in stock options to leave .


  5. Mark Hurd , CEO of Hewlett-Packard , described Chinas as an amazing market with tremendous growth .


  6. Mark Hurd corrects course for HP


  7. The first was the sex scandal that resulted in the resignation of Mark Hurd as chief executive of Hewlett-Packard .


  8. He 'll become executive chairman and CTO , ceding the top spot to SafraCatz and Mark Hurd after 37 years .


  9. So the news out of Palo Alto , California , last Friday came to many as a shock . Mark Hurd was out .


  10. HP was widely criticized over the 2010 departure of former CEO Mark Hurd amid a scandal involving a personal relationship with a company contractor .


  11. One of its top choices is Mark Hurd , the former Hewlett-Packard CEO who currently serves as president and a board member of Oracle ( orcl ) .


  12. HP sports a different CEO this year for the third year running ( Meg Whitman replaced Leo apotheker who replaced Mark Hurd who left in August 2010 ) .


  13. Mark Hurd has been co-president of mega-cap technology company Oracle for three years now , having joined shortly after his dramatic exit as CEO of Hewlett-Packard .


  14. Mark Hurd , her successor , cut costs but was ousted in2010 after a dust-up over sex and expenses before he could fix the firm 's strategy .


  15. In 2010 , when HP showed former CEO Mark Hurd the door following an investigation into his behavior , Hurd was given $ 12 million cash plus vesting of some stock .


  16. CEOs fall ill or switch jobs , or , in the case of Mark Hurd at HP ( HP ) , become embroiled in a scandal that ultimately leads to their departure .


  17. In April 2011 , there was a meeting for approximately thirty or forty minutes between autonomy and Mark Hurd , which was set up by Frank Quattrone as an introduction to Mark Hurd .


  18. CEO Leo apotheker has blamed the regime of former CEO Mark Hurd ( who was ousted a year ago amid scandal ) for neglecting these areas , which offer much better margins than hardware does .


  19. Perkins , who was a director at HP ( HPQ ) before his resignation in May2006 , has said that he helped recruit Mark Hurd to the CEO spot at that company .


  20. But my understanding is that Blackstone never reached out to Michael during the " go-shop " process – while we do know that it used back-channels to contact possible CEO replacements like Mark Hurd and Mike Capellas .


  21. Eventually , having bludgeoned the reader to death with detail , the report lets slip that Mark Hurd , who quit last year after a scandal , got $ 12m in cash plus a load of shares as a going-home present .
